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The History of Roulette

Casino777.nl casino online provides you with a plethora of roulette games that offer a realistic gaming experience. Well, before placing that bet, take a while to learn more about how roulette came about. In this write-up. We’ll explore the history of roulette and the differences in its roulette wheels.

The Invention Of The Roulette Wheel

The exact origin of roulette is not certain, but many believe that the game was influenced by an invention by Blaise Pascal. Blaise, a French physicist and mathematician, initially wanted to create a perpetual motion machine.

A perpetual motion machine is a device that can keep running indefinitely without being refuelled. The rules of physics state it can’t be done, but Pascal, being an inventor, was hoping to prove this theory wrong. Although his experiment was a bust, it did result in the creation of one of the most popular casino games ever.

The Chinese Invention Belief

Some claim that a Chinese board game inspired roulette. In this game, players placed 37 animal miniatures on a “magic square” whose numbers added up to 666. Dominican monks, who were interested in every part of Chinese culture, found the game and brought it to Europe. It then underwent some minor changes.

Unfortunately, there are no documents describing how the ancient Chinese game was actually played. The monks supposedly altered the arrangement, making the square circular. Then, they created a specific spot for the number zero.

The whole “old Chinese game” argument is likely false because the earliest French roulettes included a zero and a double zero slot. Still, it’s true that the numbers on the current roulette wheel add up to 666. Despite this argument, Blaise Pascal is credited with the creation of the roulette wheel.

Addition Of The “0” To the Wheel

Pascal’s original roulette wheel design survived for hundreds of years. Then, in 1842, Francois and Lois Blanc created a roulette wheel for King Charles III of Monaco. Just a single zero. This wheel included a single zero, automatically increasing the game’s house edge.

Seeing that his kingdom was in financial difficulties, Charles opened a casino and popularised the roulette game. In no time, the wheel was a major source of revenue for Monaco. Soon, it became a symbol of Monte Carlo’s high-end gambling culture.

Furthermore, the introduction of the roulette wheel with a single zero coincided with France’s prohibition of gambling. This made Monte Carlo more appealing and brought more gamblers to the place.

Going to America

Roulette made its way to US shores in the 1800s. It was here that “00” was added to the wheel. Therefore, the American Roulette wheel features 38 numbers instead of the standard 37. The addition of this double zero increased the house edge.

The Roulette Wheel

There are three main versions of roulette: American, French, and European. These games all feature a wheel that has numbers 0-36. Each of these numbers is on a black or red coloured slot, but the 0 slot is green.

Both European and French roulette have 37 slots. However, the American table has two zeros—0 and 00. As a result, the house edge for most bets in the American game is 5.25%, while that of the French and European versions is 2.7%. 

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