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Reverse Martingale Online Roulette Strategy

In the world of online roulette, there are countless strategies that players attempt to use to increase their chances of winning. One of the most discussed strategies is the Reverse Martingale, also known as the Paroli strategy. This strategy is a variation of the classic Martingale method and focuses on maximising profits during winning streaks. In this blog, we delve deeper into what the Reverse Martingale strategy entails, how it differs from the traditional Martingale strategy, and what the potential benefits and risks are when using it in an online casino.

The Origin of the Martingale Strategy

To fully understand the Reverse Martingale, it’s helpful first to know where the classic Martingale strategy comes from. The Martingale strategy is named after John Henry Martingale, a well-known British casino operator from the 18th century. This strategy was popular in gambling houses at the time and has since become one of the most recognised gambling strategies worldwide.

The essence of the Martingale strategy is simple: every time you lose, you double your bet. The idea is that when you eventually win, you not only recover your losses but also make a profit equal to your initial bet. Although this strategy seems flawless in theory, it also carries significant risks, especially if you experience a series of losses.

How Does the Reverse Martingale Work?

As the name suggests, the Reverse Martingale turns the concept of the classic Martingale on its head. Instead of doubling your bet after a loss, you double your bet after every win. The goal is to maximise your profits during a series of successful bets. In practice, it works as follows:

  1. Start with a base bet: This could be, for example, €10.
  2. Double after each win: If you win, increase your bet to €20. Win again, and you bet €40, and so on.
  3. Return to the base bet after a loss: Once you lose, revert to your original bet of €10.

The idea behind the Reverse Martingale is that you only increase your bet when you’re on a winning streak, hoping to quickly achieve a significant profit before encountering a loss.

Applicability in Online Roulette

The Reverse Martingale strategy can be applied in both physical and online casinos. However, playing roulette online offers some advantages that make this strategy more appealing. In an online casino, such as at Casino777.nl, you can play at your own pace, and the betting limits are often more flexible than in a physical casino. This makes it easier to consistently apply the Reverse Martingale strategy without feeling pressured by other players or time constraints.

Additionally, online casinos often offer various roulette variants, such as European, French, and American roulette. Each of these variants has slight differences in rules and winning odds, allowing you to tailor the strategy to the specific variant you’re playing.

The Dangers of the Reverse Martingale

While the Reverse Martingale strategy sounds attractive, it’s also important to understand the potential dangers. Like any gambling strategy, there is no guarantee of winning, and using the Reverse Martingale carries some specific risks.

  1. Loss of profits: One of the biggest risks of the Reverse Martingale is that during a long winning streak, you can accumulate significant profits, but a single loss can cause you to lose all these profits at once. This is because the strategy encourages you to keep increasing your bets, making a loss later in the sequence more painful.
  2. Betting limits: Many casinos, both online and physical, have maximum betting limits at the roulette table. This means that even if you’re on a long winning streak, at some point, you may no longer be able to double your bet, reducing the effectiveness of the strategy.
  3. Addiction risk: Using a strategy like the Reverse Martingale can be addictive, especially since it gives a sense of control over the game. Players may be tempted to keep playing longer than is responsible, hoping to make up for a significant loss.


The Reverse Martingale strategy offers an interesting and potentially lucrative way to play online roulette. By betting on winning streaks instead of losing streaks, players can see their winnings grow quickly. However, as with any other gambling strategy, it’s important to be aware of the risks and always play responsibly. Set a budget beforehand and stick to it, no matter how tempting it is to keep playing.

At Casino777.nl, we always encourage responsible gaming. Use strategies like the Reverse Martingale in moderation and make sure you have fun while playing. Ultimately, roulette is a game of chance, and the most important thing is that you enjoy the experience without putting your financial well-being at risk.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Reverse Martingale Strategy

What is the difference between the Martingale and the Reverse Martingale strategy?

The Martingale strategy involves doubling your bet after every loss to eventually recover your losses and make a profit when you win. The Reverse Martingale strategy, on the other hand, flips this concept: you double your bet after every win, hoping to make large profits quickly during a winning streak. After a loss, you return to your base bet.

Is the Reverse Martingale strategy effective in online roulette?

The Reverse Martingale strategy can be effective during a winning streak, as your bet grows quickly. However, like any gambling strategy, there is no guarantee of winning. A single loss can wipe out all your accumulated earnings. Therefore, it’s important to play responsibly and not bet more than you can afford to lose.

Can I use the Reverse Martingale strategy with any type of roulette?

Yes, the Reverse Martingale strategy can be applied to any type of roulette, whether it’s European, French, or American roulette. However, you should consider the specific rules and betting limits of the variant you’re playing, as these can impact the effectiveness of the strategy.