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Intermediate strategies for roulette online casino offers you a plethora of roulette games that offer a realistic gaming experience. However, if you want to boost your winning chances, you need the best strategies for playing roulette. Here, we shall explore intermediate strategies that you can use to tip the odds in your favour.

Simple Roulette Betting Systems

There are different betting systems that you can use when playing roulette. We don’t recommend these strategies for beginners. However, as an intermediate player with a good knowledge of roulette, you can apply them to your gameplay. We have explained these betting systems below:

The Martingale Strategy

The Martingale strategy involves doubling your bet when you lose a hand. As a result, you should start with a small wager so that your bankroll doesn’t deplete quickly. When you win, you revert to your initial bet amount and continue the process.

This system is based on the fact that some bets in roulette have 50:50 odds. When you place these bets, you have as many chances of winning as you do of losing. So, when you eventually win, you will be able to make up for previous losses. Please note that all tables have limits to the amount you can bet. This could result in you not being able to double one of your bets.

Reverse Martingale

This strategy follows the basic Martingale principle. However, instead of doubling your bet amount after a win, you do so after a loss. This reduces the impact of a loss, and you can still get a substantial payout when you win a hand.

The Fibonacci Strategy

In roulette, this is one of the top strategies for conservative numbers. It is based on the Fibonacci sequence, which means that every number is the sum of the two numbers that preceded it. A common example of this sequence is 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55 and so on.

The catch is to use it when placing even number bets. These wagers each have a 50% probability of winning. After a loss, you increase your bet by one, but when you win, you move back two places, following the strategy.

James Bond Strategy

James Bond’s strategy is simple to use, as you need only remember three wagers when using this system. The first is to put down €140 on any single number between 19 and 36. Next, is to wager €50 on any number between 13 and 18. The last thing to remember is a €10 wager on zero.

The strategy has proven to be very effective, as it works on average 2 out of 3 times. However, when you do lose, you might lose a large amount. This is why you shouldn’t try this strategy for a long time at the table.

Constant Bet Strategy

As the name suggests, you choose a bet and stick to it. Even if you win or lose, you still stick to that bet amount. This strategy is great because you can’t lose as much as you could when using the Martingale system.

Managing Your Bankroll

One of the most important things to pay attention to when employing these systems is bankroll management. Some of these systems can cause you to lose a large amount of amount in a short time span. So, you should always consider your bankroll size before choosing a strategy that works for you.

If you want to maximise your bankroll, you should use the Fibonacci system. However, if you have enough that you’re willing to lose, then you can opt for any strategy you want. Keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that you’ll win each time you use these strategies. They only increase your winning chances. 

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