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Advanced Roulette Strategies

Roulette is one of the most engaging and iconic casino games in the world, and online gamblers can enjoy a huge selection of variants here at Like our players, we’re big fans of roulette, and we’re fascinated by its history and roulette strategy in particular.

Although, of course, all casino online games like roulette are games of chance, and you cannot manipulate the outcome or trick the system, there are certain techniques that experienced players know about to play the game wisely and get the most out of the casino experience.

Today we’ll be taking a quick look back at the history of roulette, and letting you in on a few roulette secrets that can enhance your playing experience and help you optimise your bets.

Quick History of Roulette

Roulette was actually created by accident by a French mathematician called Blaise Pascal. In his attempt to make the impossible ‘perpetual motion machine’, he built a wheel (‘roulette’ is French for ‘little wheel’) that spun very smoothly for a long period of time, making it perfect for the game it later became.

Pascal was long dead by the time the casino culture of 18th-century France took off, but the European roulette wheel became a mainstay in gambling houses across the continent. Later, French colonists took the game to the United States, where an additional ‘double zero’ pocket was added to give the house a slightly greater edge.

Today, online roulette variants continue to attract players from all around the world, and it is one of the most often adapted table games for internet gamblers.

How to Win At Roulette

We hate to break it to you, but there’s no guaranteed way to win at roulette: it is a game of chance, and even the most experienced gambler doesn’t have more luck than you at scoring a big win. The positive of this is that it levels the playing field, and you could even win a life-changing sum on your very first spin!

And although we can’t teach you how to hack the system, here are a few expert tips on how to play roulette effectively:

Explore a wide range of roulette games here at and try out these strategies for yourself. 

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