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Use the 3-Point Molly System

3-point Molly Craps system

Craps is one of the most exciting dice games in an online casino. While many players instinctively place their bets, a strategy like the 3-Point Molly system can significantly improve your chances. This method is often used by both beginners and seasoned players. Looking to elevate your online craps experience? Read on to discover how you can use this smart system.

What is the 3-Point Molly System?

The 3-Point Molly system is a popular craps strategy focused on minimising losses and maximising wins. This system uses a combination of the “Pass Line” bet and the “Come” bet, along with Odds bets, to give players multiple chances to win during a roll. By strategically placing bets at different times, you stay protected against large losses while still benefiting when the shooter makes several successful rolls in a row.

With the 3-Point Molly system, you can consistently have multiple winning bets on the table, increasing your chances of success without taking all the risks at once. The system strikes a perfect balance between safety and aggression.

How Does the 3-Point Molly System Work?

The 3-Point Molly system consists of a series of steps that are repeated during every round of craps. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how it works:

  1. Start with a Pass Line bet – You begin by placing a Pass Line bet before the first roll (the ‘come-out roll’). If the shooter rolls a 7 or 11, you win immediately. If they roll a 2, 3, or 12, you lose.
  2. Place an Odds bet – If the shooter rolls a point (a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10), you place an Odds bet behind your Pass Line bet. This is one of the most favourable bets in craps because the house edge on it is almost zero.
  3. Place a Come bet – After the point is set, you place a Come bet. The next roll determines the point for this Come bet. If a 7 or 11 is rolled, you win immediately on the Come bet. If a 2, 3, or 12 is rolled, you lose. Any other number becomes the ‘Come point’.
  4. Repeat the process – Once a point is set for your Come bet, place another Odds bet behind it. Then, place a new Come bet. This way, you’ll have three bets on the table at any given time: one Pass Line bet and two Come bets, each with their own odds.

This process continues until the shooter rolls a 7, ending the round.

The Benefits of the 3-Point Molly System

The 3-Point Molly system offers several advantages that make it appealing to many players:

The Drawbacks of the 3-Point Molly System

While the 3-Point Molly system has many advantages, there are some downsides that players should consider before using this system:

Is the System Suitable for Every Player?

The 3-Point Molly system can be used by both new and experienced players, but it’s important to know whether the system suits your playstyle and bankroll.

Conclusion: A Thoughtful Strategy for Online Craps

The 3-Point Molly system is one of the most structured and sensible ways to play craps. By spreading your bets and using Odds bets, you protect yourself from large losses while still having the chance to win multiple times during a session. Whether you’re a new player looking to learn craps or an experienced gambler seeking a strategy to reduce the house edge, this system offers something valuable for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions about the 3-Point Molly System

What is the 3-Point Molly system?

The 3-Point Molly system is a craps strategy that uses the Pass Line, Come bets, and Odds bets. It helps spread your risk and increase your chances of winning.

How does the 3-Point Molly system work?

You place a Pass Line bet, followed by Come bets and Odds bets on multiple points. This ensures you have three active bets at the same time, increasing your chances of winning.

What are the benefits of the 3-Point Molly system?

The system limits your risk, maximises winnings with favourable Odds bets, and provides structure during gameplay.

Are there any downsides to the 3-Point Molly system?

Yes, it requires a larger bankroll and can be complex for beginners. It also works better over longer sessions.

Is the 3-Point Molly system suitable for beginners?

Yes, while it requires some practice, it can help beginners limit risks and provide structure while playing craps.

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