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Maximise Your Wins with the Iron Cross Craps

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When playing online craps, using a strategy is essential to better understand the game and increase your chances of winning. One of the popular strategies among craps players is the Iron Cross strategy. This simple yet clever approach can help you win money efficiently at the craps table.

The Iron Cross strategy is designed to cover every possible dice roll except for a seven. The idea is to place bets on fields that yield a profit when any number other than a seven is rolled. While this strategy appeals to many players due to the high frequency of winning rolls, it’s important to understand how it works, its pros and cons, and the best times to use it.

How Does the Iron Cross Strategy Work?

The Iron Cross strategy uses several betting options on the craps board. It’s unique because it allows players to place multiple bets at once, covering nearly all possible outcomes except for a seven. Here’s how the strategy works:

  1. Place a Field Bet: This is a bet on the Field section of the craps board. It pays out if the dice roll results in a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. It’s a one-time bet that usually pays out immediately.
  2. Place Bets on 5, 6, and 8: Additionally, you place bets on numbers 5, 6, and 8. These bets remain active until a seven is rolled and pay out when those numbers hit. By covering these bets, you increase your chances of winning.
  3. Avoid the Seven: The only roll you can’t cover with the Iron Cross strategy is a seven. If a seven is rolled, you lose all your bets.

The idea is simple: you win on every roll except a seven. Even if the dice don’t land on 5, 6, or 8, the Field bet ensures you still receive a payout. This strategy maximises your chances of winning, making it attractive to both beginners and experienced players.

When Should You Use the Iron Cross Strategy?

The Iron Cross strategy works best when you’re aiming for quick, small wins. It’s a strategy to use when you expect the game to run smoothly without too many sevens in a short period. Since you cover almost all possible dice outcomes, you’ll often win, making this strategy ideal for players who prefer consistent small wins over taking risks for big payouts.

This strategy is perfect for players seeking a steady pace, without too much stress over losing big bets. While it may not be the most exciting way to play craps, it does offer a good chance of gradually increasing your balance.

Can You Win Big with the Iron Cross Strategy?

The Iron Cross strategy is primarily designed for frequent small wins. Each time you win, the payout isn’t huge. The idea is to avoid losing on most rolls, allowing you to stay profitable in the long run. However, there are some factors to keep in mind:

Advantages of the Iron Cross Strategy

One of the biggest advantages of the Iron Cross strategy is that it’s a relatively low-risk strategy for craps players who want to spread their chances and avoid relying on a single bet. The ability to win on nearly every roll makes it an attractive option for people who don’t like taking too many risks.

Additionally, the Iron Cross strategy is easy to learn and apply. You don’t need extensive knowledge of complex betting structures or probability calculations. This makes it a popular choice among beginner craps players.


The Iron Cross strategy is a simple and popular way to play craps, especially for players who like to spread their chances and cover most rolls. While it’s not the most lucrative strategy, it can provide a steady stream of small wins. However, like any strategy, there are no guarantees, and you must always be prepared for the risk of losing everything to a single roll of a seven. Play wisely and decide whether this strategy aligns with your playing style and goals.

FAQs About the Iron Cross Strategy

1. What is the Iron Cross Strategy in Craps?

The Iron Cross strategy is a popular craps betting strategy where you place bets on multiple areas of the board to cover almost every dice roll except for a seven. You bet on the Field (numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12) and Place bets on numbers 5, 6, and 8. This increases your chances of winning on most rolls.

2. Can I Win Big with the Iron Cross Strategy?

The Iron Cross strategy is designed to generate frequent, smaller wins rather than large payouts. Its strength lies in its ability to help you consistently build up your bankroll over time, as you’ll win more often than with riskier betting systems. By covering a large portion of the possible dice outcomes, this strategy increases your chances of winning on most rolls, as long as the dice don’t land on a seven.

3. What’s the Biggest Risk of the Iron Cross Strategy?

The biggest risk is losing all your bets when a seven is rolled. Since seven is the most common roll in craps, there’s always a chance that it’ll hit, causing you to lose your entire bet.

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